Thursday, December 30, 2010 - Schiff: Look Out Below! Home Prices to Fall Additional 20% - Schiff: Look Out Below! Home Prices to Fall Additional 20%

In my previous post I pointed out that interest rates are going up and in most neighborhoods in our local market prices are still dropping. The Exception: Neighborhoods close in to Bellevue and Seattle are seeing impressive sales. This article is an accurate snapshot of the U.S housing market; but keep in mind every market is different and micro housing markets exist in every area.

Time to Jump off the Fence

The attached article (Mortgage Rates Surge in Recent Weeks) posted on my blog may be enough motivation to buy a home (If you are in the market). Rates will not go lower, although I believe in most of our local markets home prices will still drop a bit. It really depends on the location. The closer you are to the hub of Bellevue and Seattle I am seeing strong sales activity and less inventory. As you get further from the hubs inventory levels are still high and pricing your home to match the market is critical.

Mortgage rates surge in recent weeks, nearing 5% - Dec. 30, 2010

Mortgage rates surge in recent weeks, nearing 5% - Dec. 30, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Great article, The truth.

In all of my years in Real Estate (23) you can usually spot trends and make predictions as to where the market is going. This is the first time I have to admit "I really do not know". At the beginning of 2010 I believed we were close to the bottom, I was wrong, 2011 will be interesting. The one truth in Real Estate that never changes is " Location, Location, Location. Homes in the most coveted neighborhoods continue to sell at a fair pace and they have depreciated less than their competition.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Real-Real Estate: Real-Real Estate

Real-Real Estate: Real-Real Estate: "What is Real-Real Estate. It is simply my thoughts and opinions of our local Real Estate market, the greater eastside of Seattle,Washington...."

Real-Real Estate

What is Real-Real Estate. It is simply my thoughts and opinions of our local Real Estate market, the greater eastside of Seattle,Washington. This includes but is not limited to Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Issaquah, Sammamish and Bothell. My goal is to cut through the hype and misinformation we are fed on a daily basis by the media, the banks, the real estate agents and the public. It's Real, it will at times be controversial and I hope this sparks some great debate.

My name is Matt Stapleton. I have been a residential Real Estate Broker for 22 years. I grew up in Bellevue and have lived in Redmond, Issaquah, Kirkland and Newcastle. I know the lay of the land, I know the Real Estate business, I know the local economy and I consider myself a well read expert on many topics in addition to Real Estate.

Here we go: The market has not hit bottom yet. I believed we were getting near the bottom back in January but the local market has declined 3% to 10% since then. The percentages depend on your location. I don't think we will see a bottom until the end of 2011. If you are going to sell you must and I mean must be real with your price. It is pretty simple, homes priced to sell-SELL in a reasonable time, overpriced homes sit for months and usually sell for less than market value. Do not put your home on the market unless you are willing to price it at today's market value and be willing to drop the price if needed, otherwise you are wasting your time. Note: If a Real Estate agent prices your home above market value-Fire them. If you insist on pricing your home above market value, the Real Estate agent is a fool for taking the listing. This is called the Total Denial listing.

Banks are a Joke. When the banks get serious about lending money to credit worthy people with reasonable terms then we will see a normal market for both buyers and sellers. The banks got us into this mess through sheer greed, truly the biggest Ponzi scheme in American history. What the leadership at banks did make Bernie Madhoff look like an amateur. The likes of  Kerry Killinger (WAMU), Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide and scores of politicians should all be in jail for this crime. They created this mess, made billions, ruined the economy, yet they get bailed out by a corrupt Washington D.C.-Shocking but not surprising.

Now the pendulum has swung so far the other way it is truly embarrassing. Good people with good jobs and good credit are getting denied for loans at an alarming rate. In the Nov.19th issue of the Puget Sound Business Journal ( a front page story called" Jilted at the Step" is a perfect example of the insanity of what banks are doing to qualified borrowers. I could go on and on with stories. The point is, even with record low interest rates the process is so daunting to borrowers that they decide to opt out of the market, which continues to put downward pressure on home prices and sales. As I previously stated, when the banks get real about realistic lending practices, we will not see any price stabilization or increase in home sales.

Until the Fed steps in and forces the banks to get real we are in trouble.